Wow, what an amazing charity event we've just attended. Amazing work by David Miller, who organized the event (from Business @ Breakfast Club) and Nick Agg-Manning.  All for a fantastic cause Devon Blood Bikes.

We all had a really informative talk about the River Otter and about how the species of different wildlife including birds and fish are doing so well along that stretch of river.  We were then taken around the magnificent walled garden.  Plants, Colour, Food, Bees, Green...What a fabulous job! Looks amazing.

As if that was enough we then had sponsored food prepared out of the clay oven by the chef.  Delicious!  Enough to get the taste buds going for more...

Pizzas! Not just any pizzas... but the most amazing pizzas ever. You have just got to try it!

Thanks again to everyone who came and made this night possible, and an extra special thank you to Deer Park Hotel for their generosity and open house! (They also have an amazing ethos that the river stretch and kitchen garden are open for anyone who would like to go for a walk and explore - an absolute must if you live in Devon) @DeerParkHotel @mannafromdevon @DevonBloodBikes